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Category: Health

Minimally Invasive Miracles

Cancer treatment has made huge strides in recent years, offering patients innovative options that prioritise both efficacy and comfort. Laparoscopic surgery, a minimally invasive technique, is one such advancement that is

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Cancer & Nurturing Mental Health

A cancer diagnosis is not just a physical battle; it’s a mental and emotional one too. The journey through cancer treatment can be challenging, but there are strategies that can help

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Understanding Radiotherapy in Cancer Treatment

Among the numerous treatments for cancer, radiation therapy, commonly known as radiotherapy, is a powerful and precise tool. Radiotherapy is a localised cancer treatment that employs high-energy radiation to target and

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Harnessing the Power of Immunotherapy in Cancer Treatment

Battling cancer is tough and a new groundbreaking approach called immunotherapy offers new hope to patients across the world. Immunotherapy, often referred to as biologic therapy, is a novel cancer treatment

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Empowering Against Cancer: A Closer Look at Hormone Therapy for Treatment

Cancer is a formidable adversary and hormone therapy has emerged as a potent weapon against specific types of cancer. Hormone therapy, also known as hormonal therapy or endocrine therapy, has proven

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Different Types Of Cancer & How To Prevent Them 

Breast Cancer: Spotting It Early  Let’s talk about breast cancer – a topic that impacts women around the world. It’s a conversation that should happen more often because early detection and

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