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Early Detection and Screening

We offer state-of-the-art testing and consultation with our doctors so that any cancers can be caught and treated early. When it comes to cancer, the earlier it is identified, the greater the chance of a full recovery.

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Precision Oncology and Targeted Therapies

Different types of cancer need different treatments and our experts will advise you on the regimen that is best for you. We abide by our Hippocratic oath - Do no harm - which means we do not prescribe any medication or procedure that you do not need. We are skilled at surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and immunotherapy.

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Supportive Care

Cancer does not affect just the body, it affects the whole life of the patient. We understand that and we provide psychological and recuperative therapy and support. We also ensure that the treatment you get at our centre is affordable, so that your family is not burdened with medical expenses.

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